7152 型针刺无纺布

Needle Punch fabrics can be designed to offer high levels of strength and integrity or to be soft and very loosely bonded. Our Needle Punch Nonwovens also contain our unique Super Absorbent Fibre (SAF™) – further enhancing absorbency performance. So, if you are searching for a Needle Punch Material, with high levels of absorption and retention – even under load – our range of super absorbent Needle Punch Nonwovens is the ideal choice.


Improve your products absorbency with Needle Punch Nonwoven Fabric Type 7152


  • Needle Punch Nonwoven Fabric Type 7152, is a 375gsm carded nonwoven and highly absorbent.
  • 具有非常强大的吸水性和极佳的锁水性。
  • 织物含有我们的超级吸水纤维 SAF™ 和聚酯纤维。
  • 商业上,这种材料成卷出售,宽度可达 2 米,如果需要,还可以切得更窄。
  • 织物不需要封边或包边。
  • 使用过程中基本不用为掉屑或调粉担心。

Needle Punch Nonwoven Fabric Type 7152 is ideal for use as an absorbent layer within self-healing structural waterproofing membranes. It can also be used in a wide range of other applications that require high levels of absorbency. Our team are available to advise as to its suitability for your project if required – 点击这里,联络我们.


Our super absorbent Needle Punch materials can also be used in a wide range of other applications to manage moisture, including period and incontinence pads/pants, medical, filtration, horticulture and apparel. 

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总重量(克/平方米) 375
厚度(毫米) 4.0

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